Friday, June 24, 2011

Adults Squabble-Kids Lose Over Dollars & "No Cents"

While the City Officials, CPS Administrators and Teachers squabble over dollars, it is clear they have no "cents". Can't they see that it is still the kids who lose?
If I was yet a CPS contracted teacher, I would gladly take a 1 year pay freeze if necessary for my students, school and district. But let's be honest- the 712 million dollar deficit is not the fault of the teacher's and their modest salaries. And if the deficit was really the center issue, Rahm's new board wouldn't be approving record salaries for the CEO and other leaders.
It's not about balancing the budget for the kids. It's about the City Officials/School board battling it out with the Teachers and Union- making a statement- a slap in the face to them really. This charade will likely muster up the support and grounds for the first CPS teacher strike in over 20 years. And then again, IT WOULD BE THE KIDS WHO LOSE! Who would miss out on valuable instruction time. Who would be caught in the middle, defenseless and without a voice. Who would still be in an under-performing district that is millions on debt, and now with distressed and angry teachers.
This key point from the attached article states, "Brizard will be the first CPS CEO with a performance-based contract. However, the bonuses, worth up to 15 percent of his salary, will be awarded at the Board’s discretion, rather than having an explicit connection to the goals outlined". If the bonuses are awarded at Rahm's Board's discretion, and not based on quantifiable gains or qualify-able goals, then they really aren't performance based are they?
Regardless if the CPS Leaders "deserve" the competitive salaries ("NOT pay raises") they shouldn't come at a time when CPS is millions in the hole and denying teachers their contracted raises because of said budget deficit.
Rahm has a lot of good ideas and policy changes for CPS, but this just turned most against his education reform plans. I'm all for longer school days and balancing the budget, but not at the expense of the teachers. You can't fight fire with fire. In the end, everyone loses, most importantly the kids, and it makes no "cents".

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