Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UbD-Stage 1-Teaching Fiction vs. Nonfiction Texts


  1. Nicole,

    I think that your break-down of the knowledge and skills for your lesson, both prior and new, was great. If a student doesn't have the prior knowledge to decode or read then they will have difficulty with the new skill. Knowing that as a teacher will help us better understand where we need to help our students.

    I wonder if part of your assessment is done when they chose books for independent reading. This would be a great, real-life application of classifying the book.

    One thing to add would be another true assessment might be to fake the library bins being mixed up and having groups sort them back into their right categories, fiction and nonfiction.

    Great job!

  2. Thanks for the great ideas- maybe I'll use that as part of my assessment in phase 2 :)
